Financial Services organisations are being challenged to review cost structures and increase productivity, all the while making deeper, faster, safer and more automated changes to keep pace with competitors.
TORI can improve the efficiency of your business by optimising your infrastructure and service management, advising you on smart sourcing and overseeing the full, managed services lifecycle. We can help you increase profitability and achieve competitive advantage by improving performance for cost, quality and delivery.
Operating Models – a cutting-edge strategy requires brilliant execution, which means having an operating model that is fully aligned to your strategy. We consider the full spectrum of your operating model, from technology to HR, and will have you ready for flawless execution. TORI can help you with:
- Operating Model review/design
- Policies and Processes
- Customer Journey mapping
Optimisation & Efficiency – every business faces issues of cost, efficiency and value for money. Re-engineering or redistributing (i.e. outsourcing) business processes to help deal with these issues can provide greater return on investment and greater stability. TORI can help you with:
- Process Improvement
- Commercial Business Planning
- Outsourcing / Managed Services
Third-Party Risk Management – managed well, your supply chain is an opportunity to differentiate yourselves and drive your business forward. However, it also provides a source of risk and potential for uncontrolled costs, if appropriate governance is not in place. TORI can help you with:
- Procurement
- Third-Party Governance
- Third-Party Risk
IT Optimisation – many companies have embarked on programmes to transform key applications (i.e. Core Banking, PAS etc.) or leverage cloud. However, few have realised the fully-expected benefits, resulting in legacy technology remaining in situ longer than planned. TORI can help you with:
- Cloud & Application Migration
- Technical Debt Management
- Optimising Infrastructure, Storage and Data
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Improving IT Service Management Global Financial Institution
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Risk Analytics & Business Design Banking
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Banks are required to comply with the FRTB regulations by 2019. In 2016, the regulations were still developing and our client had launched a simplification programme, with the FRTB project given the highest priority.

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Our client a leading UK Investment & retail Financial Services firm faced numerous challenges around vendor governance, policies and process alongside a wider remit to reduce overall spending on IT by 20-30%.

HR Systems Advisory UK Specialist Insurer
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The client, a major General Insurance Provider in the UK has grown rapidly over 10 years. This strategy helped them achieve rapid revenue growth, however, their cost base also increased significantly.

IT Target Operating Model (TOM) FTSE 100 Insurance Company
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Helping the bank develop a management and leadership culture fitting for a global bank with a global strategy.

Reducing Complexity, Driving Standardisation & Automation Global Investment Bank
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A Tier 1 global investment bank with clients in over 100 countries and assets of $2.3 trillion, wanted to identify a strategic partner to assist in the delivery of a standardised and highly virtualised technology platform and the operation of its core IT infrastructure services.

Customer Experience Model (CXM) Middle East Contact Centre
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A government organisation wanted to improve the consistency and objectivity of its customer care measurements.
Practice Leader

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