Embedding Change Post COVID-19

Managing strategy is about managing change. To effect and embed real change, you need to create solid foundations which necessitates having the organisation, people and culture to support and embrace it. As the ‘new norm’ fully takes shape, many leaders are formulating their strategies to combat the transformation that has been forced upon us all. As this all progresses, we will discover the difference between tolerant compliance and commitment.

So, the question is: are these strategies really being implemented correctly and are all employees buying in and fully understanding their roles to make it reality for now and sustainable into the future? 

In TORI we think of this as ‘Embedding Change’. Many company value statements end up forgotten in a digital drawer, invisible screen savers or ‘unseen’ posters and don’t play out at all in reality. We help you ensure that this doesn’t happen. We have a profound understanding of culture, values and organisational behaviour.

Our approaches have delivered outstanding results for our clients. We will engage effectively and collaboratively across your organisation to develop values that are authentic and shared, and make sure they translate into day-to-day behaviour so that everyone understands ‘what this means for me’ and ‘what it means for the firm’; achieving congruence

We will work with you to design and deliver a comprehensive culture change/refresh programme that brings your values to life and achieves sustainable behavioural change, with full staff buy in.