Anton Angione

Anton Angione

Head of Emerging Technologies & Security


  • Private Equity
  • Banking
  • Insurance


Digital Transformation

Cyber Security

Technical Design & Architecture

Anton is our Head of Emerging Technologies & Security and is adept at facilitating, Strategic Defence, Information Security and Threat Intelligence solutions for global private and public sector organisations.

Anton delivers an unrivalled customer-centric and service-led approach that reveals critical elements of growth and evolution for business landscapes. He shares an entrepreneurial and cultural vision that leverages digital potential, whilst bridging traditional industries with our evolving digital economy.

A visionary advocate of blockchain technology and digital change, Anton has demonstrable wins in developing commercially credible solutions that consistently achieve business growth and ROI.

Anton specialises in Blockchain Technology, Strategic Defence, Information Security, Threat Intelligence, Information Security and Artificial Intelligence solutions and has worked closely with global financial institutions, with experience advising at both national and international government level.

Anton Angione specialises in

Swirling green letters
Swirling green letters

Digital & Data Transformation

The pace of change in the digital space is accelerating at ever faster rates. Incumbents are finding it demanding to keep up and to innovate with increasing competition emerging from FinTech entrants.
A hooded person sits at a bank of glowing computer screens
A hooded person sits at a bank of glowing computer screens

Cyber Security

Cyber Security is more than one off tick box exercise; it requires organisations to constantly review and calibrate its existing practices in line with emerging threats and technologies.