Why isn’t Risk-adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) universal?

RAROC (Risk-Adjusted Return On Capital) is a 40- year-old concept. To its followers, its value is unquestioned. But the institutions that have fully implemented it remain an admired minority. Indeed, the limited use of RAROC is at odds with both its reputation and the millions of hours of effort spent by banks on risk-adjusted performance measurement without embedding it in their DNA.

Why isn’t Risk-adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) universal?
Why isn’t Risk-adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) universal?


  1. Introduction
  2. Acceptance of Change and Intolerance of Control
  3. The TORI Approach to Control of IT Service Risk
  4. 3LoD Model in an IT Services Setting
  5. Embedding Controls and Changing Behaviours
  6. Summary and Applicability to Other Industry Sectors
  7. How TORI Can Help